Monday, October 22, 2012

{ Elyse + Kyle = ENGAGED }

We had a beautiful afternoon for Elyse and Kyle's engagement photos in the park.  It was the perfect fall day with shifts between sun and clouds, and lots of room for us to explore.  Elyse and Kyle are high school sweethearts - they've been together for seven years.  With both of them going into careers that help people (she a nurse, and he a police officer), it should come as no surprise how deeply caring they both are.  When I asked them what they love most about each other, she said she loves how selfless he is; he would do anything for anyone, no questions asked.  He said that he loves how supportive she is; she is always doing her best to make things easier for the people in her life.  As a couple, Elyse and Kyle are easygoing, sweet and gentle with one another and can always see the good in every situation.  They will be tying the knot only three short months from now and we can't wait to be a part of their wedding day!  Congratulations to you both!

Monday, October 8, 2012

{ Jacob's Senior Portraits! }

We had a beautiful, relaxing afternoon with Jacob for his senior portraits at the Wildlife Sanctuary.  We love having senior portraits this time of year not just for the overcast skies and golden leaves, but because it means we get to hear about all the homecoming festivities - the football games, the dance, and everything that goes along with it.  It's so funny how that can take you right back to high school.  Jacob also told us all about his heavy class load this year - no senior slide for him - instead, he is loading up on A.P. courses and will be ten steps ahead of his classmates when college rolls around.  Jacob is smart, funny, talented, and is sure to succeed in whatever path he chooses.  Congratulations, Jacob; enjoy the rest of your senior year!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

{ Candis + Joe = ENGAGED! }

We had such a wonderful time photographing Candis and Joe's engagement photos on the family farm. To find the perfect jobs the couple has become city-dwellers many miles from both of their families, but spending the day walking through soybeans, corn, and an abandoned granary, it was evident that the relaxed mood of the country still remains in their hearts.

As a couple Candis and Joe are so cute.  They are gentle with each other in words and actions, playful, and easygoing.  Many times as we posed them facing each other, Joe would say to her, "You're so beautiful," and Candis would give him that sweet look humble women give when faced with sincere compliments.  It felt very special to document who they are, what they love, and what brought them together.  We can't wait to see you both on your big day!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Evy's Growing Up!

It's amazing to me to think that this beautiful little girl was the teeny-tiny baby we took newborn photos of less than two years ago.  She was so small and photos were so rough on her that it took over two hours to complete her session.  Now we have this grown up little girl who answers all my questions (rhetorical or not, and generally with an emphatic yes!) and can snap up her whole session in around a half hour.  We are so honored to be a part of Evy's childhood; she is so sweet, incredibly smart, and always a comedian. ;)

Monday, October 1, 2012

{ Anna's Senior Portraits! }

We had a beautiful fall day for Anna's senior portraits.  The sun came and went, ducking in and out of clouds which gave us a great variety of lighting conditions and showed off the start of the fall colors.  We had a wonderful time getting to know Anna and her mom, Carlean.  Anna is spunky, quick-whitted, stylish, and bold in her words and actions...which of course means we loved her.  She entertained us throughout the shoot with goofy faces for my test shots and regaled us with stories of her and her siblings' wild antics and future plans.  It made the day a blast for everyone.  :)  Best of luck in the future, Anna, and enjoy your senior year!