Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Carter Turns One Year!

A warm, cloudy spring day at the park - could a photographer hope for more?!  It was our first time getting to meet little Carter who is just days away from celebrating his first Birthday.  We enjoyed our day meandering throughout the park with bright, colorful balloons, and documenting this very big milestone Carter is about to reach.  Carter is playful and relaxed, with two encouraging parents.  Throughout the photoshoot mom, dad, Ben and I were singing, clapping, jumping, tickling and laughing spontaneously like insane people, while Carter gave us this curious look as if to say, "You guys are really strange, but if you try just a little harder, I'll give you what you are looking for."  And, true enough, he did.  By the end of the shoot he was giggling away and showing off his toothy, little smile that I'm sure makes every friend and relative (and hey, I'll admit it, myself) melt just a little bit.  It was wonderful getting to meet Carter and his family, and being a part of this big moment in his life.


  1. These photos are precious! What a wonderful way to capture his first birthday!

  2. Wow - what a cutie and what great photos! You will cherish these forever. I especially love the one with the cattails and phragmites in the background ;)

  3. I absolutely love these pictures of Carter! He is so cute and such a photogenic baby!

  4. Awesome photos---adorable subject! I love the black and white image on the park bench. It's hard to believe he will be celebrating his first birthday already. Congratulations and Happy Birthday Carter!
